Reset yourenergy centers

Would you like to have a blueprint of how the vital energy in your body flows? Imagine having an aerial view of all the streets and highways of the city, being able to see when one intersection or highway gets blocked, and how it affects all the surrounding areas. These roadways are all interconnected and they influence how the energy of the city flows.

Energy in the body flows pretty much the same way. We are energy beings as much as physical ones, yet few pay as much attention to their energy as they do to their physical needs, aches and pains. The energy body is primarily expressed through seven important chakras or energy centers, located near the central nervous system along the spine.

Our bodies remember each and every one of our life experiences – joyful ones and also the not so joyful ones like the loss of a loved one, being bullied at school, accidents….  An overload of not-so-joyful memories can halt the body in its instinctive fight or flight response, causing traumatic energy to be stored in the surrounding muscles, organs and connective tissue. Whenever we store trauma in our tissue, our brain disconnects from that part of the body to block the experience, preventing the recall of the traumatic memory. Any area of our body that our brain is disconnected from won’t be able stay healthy or heal itself. The predictable effect of stored trauma is degeneration and disease.

To Check Your Energy Field, Focus On Each Chakra With The Question

Am I losing energy here?

If the answer is yes, the next question is

Why am I losing power?

Grab any image, thought, or impression that pops up. The trick is to examine these responses, rather than disregard them out of fear or because they don’t fit a preconceived notion. Regard yourselves as information transmitting and receiving stations.

When Our Energy Centers Are Healthy

Open, and unencumbered, we blossom, and our life force flows. We thrive physically, emotionally, financially, and in all of our relationships.

Resetting The Energy Centers

Resetting the Energy Centers is a highly effective, scientific method of movement, breath, and sound. We release blockages and remove the physical, mental, and emotional armor that once protected us from pain, but no longer serves us.

Inextricably Linked

Releasing the past, leaving stressful jobs or relationships, meditation, and honoring our own individual truth and gifts are actions that support the energy body. What supports the one supports the other because the physical and energetic are inextricably linked.

Ready To Get Started?

If this resonates within you and you are finally ready to reset your body-mind from the inside out, then please apply.


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