For permanent change to occur, it must occur in the unconscious by rewriting old paradigms of self-sabotage. Constructing new models of reality. Unleash the shackles of your past and reset your mind for uncompromised success in every area of your life.
During childhood, as we climbed trees and created worlds of make-believe, we acquired numerous memories and experiences that form who we are today. So, within the vault of our unconscious live our beliefs, our values, unconscious patterns, subjective maps of reality, every decision we ever made and the source of every emotion we ever experienced. There is gold to be mined down there, as well as garbage that should have been thrown out decades ago!
The good news is, it’s entirely possible to erase that disempowering fight-or-flight response from your mind. And replace it with a subconscious magnetism for profound personal growth and excellence. The reset code for the unconscious mind is the master key to transformation.