Reset courses and retreats are designed for entrepreneurs, managers, parents and seekers who need that little extra support and clarity to make their life a gift for themselves and for everyone around them, professionally and personally.

As a transformation coach with extensive business and meditation experience, I work together with clients to deprogram the old belief systems back to the original code we are all born with:

I am enough. I have everything I need to live a joyous and fulfilling life.

This is the secret of all secrets! We start our journey with this new understanding, Using the proven and experiential process of the Reset Code, we integrate the power of Body, Breath, Chakras and the Unconscious Mind. My clients then naturally and easily find a sense of significance and purpose that is more in alignment with their own truth, enabling them to transform their lives and everything they touch.



The Power Of Meditation

The body is the world, and through the body you are related to the world. Your meditation must be rooted in the body, otherwise it is just a dream floating in the mind….

Perhaps you have spent hundreds of hours researching meditation, its connection to stress and anger management, its benefits for the body-mind and emotions, for overall performance, and for living a healthy and fulfilling life.

Even with all this knowledge, you still feel completely at a loss because you have not been able to take one solid step in that direction, or feel that you do not have what it takes to live in the zone and have a stress free life! i too experienced this for years, running multiple businesses and being a single father. I want to share a simple yet very powerful technique that made it possible for me to live my life stress-free and more creatively — like being on holiday every day!

Using active meditation techniques, we release ingrained patterns from the body-mind. We melt frozen muscles and body armor by shaking and dancing, and harmonize conflicting parts of the body-mind through humming, until it’s natural and easy to sit still, to watch the breath, and to just be.

In this course we explore neuroscience and key Osho insights that can make relaxation, meditation and awareness a natural process, opening up new resources within you. Once learned, you can use these new resources in your everyday life and start seeing and feeling the results immediately.

“Meditation is relaxation” “Meditation is playful” “Meditation is cool” “Meditation is an understanding” Osho

Really, it’s the only way.  



The Power Of Breath

This class is for anyone who wants to breathe better, be it because of a specific breathing disorder, because they have the goal of increasing their endurance or deepening their meditation, or to address a feeling of being stuck.

We will look at anatomy, psychology, and spirituality, followed by breathing practice that will help you with:

  • Increased oxygen flow and the intense relaxation which automatically happens afterwards helps you “let go” of anger and sadness, allowing you feel “unstuck” mentally.
  • A lung workout. It exercises your diaphragm and intercostal muscles. Increased blood and oxygen flow to the brain and body brings a host of health benefits, providing a significant impact on your wellbeing.
  • Alleviate stress and anxiety, while helping with concentration and sleep.
  • Provide anchoring and deepen your meditation.

This simple and powerful seven-step process can reset the inner core and provide immense grounding to the body-mind.



Chakras – Healing And Power

Have you ever wished you had a control panel for your energy and emotions?

Without understanding why we do what we do, it is almost impossible to break the cycle of criticism, projections, and the blame game. A vicious loop that causes tremendous loss of energy and becomes the biggest barrier in leadership and all relationships.

Join this journey to become aware of the blueprint that runs your life and learn some simple and profound tools for healing and balancing these energy centers to reclaim your power and meditation.


The chakras are the seven dynamic energy wheels along the central nervous system or spine in your body that affect your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual well-being. When you begin to work on your chakras, your energy begins to flow upwards. Chakras are often blocked, overactive or inactive, resulting in confusion, depression, imbalances and low energy. By awakening the chakras through various movements, breathing and sounds, the energy begins to move in the right direction deepening your meditation and bringing you clarity and more energy for action.

“Man is a rainbow, I say, because a rainbow will give you the total perspective in which man can be understood – from the lowest to the highest” Osho



Befriending The Unconscious Mind

Mind is the most powerful tool we have and there are two tools to unleash its creativity and power: one is Meditation, the other is Hypnosis. One part of the brain has a perfect plan and the significant other part always has a plan to sabotage every decision we make.

Our primal brain is designed to protect us from danger, and it knows no difference between what’s real and what is illogical and irrational fear. Our instinctual and intuitional ideas for growth and transformation also get blocked by that same part of the brain simply doing its job of protecting us from our childhood traumas and wounds, primarily vulnerability and fear of failure.

Hypnotherapy tackles this issue by reprogramming the brain, not only to accept exciting new ideas, thought patterns and reality, but to seek out and embrace them, and to be boundless.



Redefining Success

Without the inner work, chasing success can become a rut, a hamster wheel. We work together to define what success means to you. We uncover your ideal work and life that makes you happy inside and out. With this understanding and with plenty of tools to sustain your success, your living and your leadership become authentic, boundless and connected.

Reset Code courses and retreats have created suitable empowerment shifts for entrepreneurs, mangers, parents and seekers to:

  • Live life fully with all its seasons.
  • Live life authentically.
  • Be playful and total in their actions.
  • Disconnect from codependent and toxic work and relationships.
  • Trust their gut and speak their truth.
  • Make responsible choices.
  • Get grounded in their individual uniqueness.
  • Become friendly, compassionate and grateful human beings. 

Ready To Get Started?

If this resonates within you and you are finally ready to reset your body-mind from the inside out, then please apply.


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